Le damos la bienvenida a la pagina de la academia, esperamos que sea de su gusto.
Aqui encontrara informacion de todo tipo; como programacion de los torneos, comunicados, fotografias, etc. no deje de visitarnos.
Si desea que publiquemos algunas fotografias por favor enviarlo al siguiente mail

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

You Work Smarter, Not Harder

This training is so urgent, the guy "behind the scenes" told me to spread the word:


If you feel like he's wasted your time, he'll put $100 in your pocket.

You've got nothing to lose!


Dylan H.


























Our address is Tortola, Providence 3312, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Go from zero to a full time income in 30 minutes (NO BS)...

If you're looking to make an easy, stress free living you have opened the right email!

Go now...















Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email,click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

Do THIS For 21 Days and You’re Set FOR LIFE!


Lucky users of Nick Park's new 21 Days to Riches program are still shaking their heads.

"I'm a believer now and I've got the money to prove it!"

"So on Day 21 I called my boss and told him I was done"

"Then on the 7th day I went to work and gave notice."

15-20 minutes a day for just 21 days?

Yup, YOU TOO could be kissing your job "goodbye" with 21 Days To Riches!

Take a look at this - ==>

With civil unrest, collapsing economies and political upheaval like we're witnessing lately…


And 21 Days To Riches users are ROLLING in it!

Will you be ready if and when it "hits the fan?"

If you can spend 15-20 minutes a day on your PC for only 21 days you will be!

Really, check this out right now - ==>

Relax; there's nothing to buy, no scams to worry about and no long-term "sign your life away" obligations.

Check out 21 Days To Riches NOW!

Don't miss this one! - ==>

















Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

Have you tried this?


I know you've been looking for a reliable source of income online but haven't found one yet.

That changes today.

I've got an insider account in this money system and it's banking me $1500 a day on average.

Best part - it's all hands-free and on "autopilot".

Set up yours now

Don't say I never did anything for ya,













Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email,click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

Financial Freedom Is Just A Few Clicks Away


I used to think the financial markets were "rigged;" that only the "insiders" ever made real money.

I no longer think that…


But I could care less now…

I've got my own "inside track" on the markets!

Watch this right now - ==>

Jake Pertu and his programmers have a key to the markets' backdoor…

And they're sharing it with a very FORTUNATE 20 people who respond ASAP.

How fortunate?

Howard made $482K, Eddie brought in $538K, Louis netted $764K and Rosie banked $622K…

And that was all in their FIRST MONTH!

YOU need to see the video - ==>

Starting with very little money…

And no experience!

There's nothing to buy. He's not selling anything.

Really, check it out- ==>














Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email,click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Go from zero to a full time income in 30 minutes (NO BS)...

If you're looking to make an easy, stress free living you have opened the right email!

Go now...















Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email,click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Guess what I just bought?

There's nothing I HATE more than finding out about something LAST!
You've probably even heard of this before I did!

Cooper Belmont's "Rock the Stock" already has almost 5000 members!
They're all looking so happy and content it's making me sick.
They're making so much money I want to puke.

Why am I always the last one?

If I'd started with all of them I'd probably be sitting on a $100k right now.

Have you seen it?

Go here

Well, I guess it's not too late, I'm not sure if he's going to stop it or anything -
there's an option for a lifetime that probably won't happen.

Oh, there's also a 45 day trial if you don't want to subscribe :)



















Our address is Pacific R.1512, British Virgin Islands,
If you do not wish to receive future email, click here.
(You can also send your request to Customer Care at the street address above.)

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Your Inheritance/Winning Payment

Attention Beneficiary,
We wish to inform you that the United Nations (UN) has taken over the
Inheritance/Winning payment issue which you currently or previously had
with your transaction agents. Your funds was withdrawn by UN on your
behalf based on the fact that you where subjected to too many processes
that will make you spend more money before receiving your funds.

Your Inheritance/Winning payment was paid out to the United Nations
Organization, and they have succeeded in depositing your funds enclosed
ATM CARD.They have ordered us to take full responsibility in the Delivery
process of your funds, and we have received your application for the
release of the total amount of$1,500,000.00USD, One Million Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars enclosed ATM CARD.

For some security reasons, we need you to reconfirm your Name: Address:
zip-code: Town: State: Country: Age: and Phone Number: before receiving
the said ATM CARD,and we will email you details after 24 hours of
receiving this e-mail.
Please contact our Release Agent with the details below:
Dr. Lee Yung
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Siti Sarah Binti Wan Zulkifli
For:United Nation Compensation Scheme 2015.
Do not tell people about your Compensation Award until your money
is successful handed over to you to avoid disqualification that may arise
from double claim.
You may also receive similar e-mails from people portraying to be
other Organizations or Network Inc. This is solely to collect your
personal information from you and lay claim over your Compensation.
All Prizes must be claimed within 4 weeks of Notification. only one claim
submission will be required. Successful claims will be honored within 30
days of claim.